Page Speed Boost (PSB)

Page Speed Boost (PSB) is a powerful optimization tool that will help speed up a WordPress site on WP Engine. With just a few clicks, it enhances the website’s performance by compressing, caching, and optimizing resources.

Page Speed Boost can be purchased for most Shared and Premium plans from the Modify Plan page. At this time it cannot be added to Atlas plans. PSB add-on pricing is based on number of licenses.


Page Speed Boost is a performance WordPress plugin that automatically handles cloud-based optimization of the frontend of your website through:


  • Advanced Caching – Advanced caching involves storing pre-rendered or optimized versions of your website’s pages and assets, allowing for faster delivery to visitors. This helps reduce server load and improve page load times.
  • Smart Cache Invalidation – Smart cache invalidation automatically clears and updates cached content that is related to a page that you have just purged. It ensures that visitors always see the latest version of your site without manually purging caches.
  • Cookie and Device Aware Caching – Page Speed Boost (PSB) creates separate cache files for versions on your site on mobile and tablet, to offer optimal speed and performance regardless of the device of your site visitors.
  • Browser Caching – Browser caching stores frequently used website resources (e.g., images, scripts) in a visitor’s browser, Page Speed Boost (PSB) will set the appropriate caching headers for you automatically, so the browser caching occurs without any problems and users are served with content faster within the session.
  • Automatic Cache Warmup – Automatic cache warmup ensures that caches are pre-filled with the most important content, improving the initial loading speed of your website.
  • Ignore Standard Parameters – Page Speed Boost (PSB) will ignore your UTM parameters by default, utilizing your optimization resources in the most efficient way.


  • GZIP and Brotli Compression – GZip and Brotli are compression algorithms that reduce the size of web resources (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript) before they are sent to the browser, resulting in faster load times.
  • Global CDN – A global CDN distributes your website’s content across multiple servers worldwide. This reduces latency and ensures fast content delivery to visitors, regardless of their location.
  • HTTP/3 Compatibility – Page Speed Boost (PSB) optimizes your website to take advantage of the HTTP/2 protocol, which enables faster and more efficient communication between the browser and server.


  • Optimized Font Rendering – The browser initially displays the text using a fallback font. Then, as soon as the web font is fully loaded, it swaps the text to use the desired web font. This approach is designed to reduce the time users spend looking at either an unstyled text or a blank space.
  • Deferred Font Loading – Deferred font loading delays the loading of non-essential fonts until after the main content has loaded, improving initial page load times.

Image Optimization

  • Lossy Compression – The images are compressed, keeping 80% of its quality so that the visual quality of the image is preserved, while it greatly decreases the size of the image.
  • Lazy Loading of Images – Lazy loading prioritizes the images you are currently viewing, saving up bandwidth and improving content delivery.
  • Lazy Loading of iframe – Lazy loading delays the loading of iframes, and videos (automatically detecting YouTube videos) until they come into the viewport, saving bandwidth and improving page performance.
  • Lazy Loading of Videos – Lazy loading delays the loading of videos (automatically detecting YouTube and Vimeo videos) until they come into the viewport, saving bandwidth and improving page performance.
  • Lazy Loading for Background images – Delays the loading of background images until they come closer to the viewport, which gives you an additional boost in performance.
  • WebP Conversion – WebP is a modern image format that offers better compression and quality than traditional formats like JPEG and PNG. Page Speed Boost (PSB) converts images to WebP for faster loading.


  • HTML Minification – HTML minification removes unnecessary code and whitespace from HTML files, reducing their size and improving page load times.
  • HTML Compression – HTML compression uses compression algorithms to reduce the size of HTML files for faster delivery to the browser.
  • Preloading and Prefetching – Upon hover on a link on an already optimized page, Page Speed Boost (PSB) preloads the page for optimal speed performance.


  • CSS Combining – CSS combining merges multiple CSS files into a single file, reducing the number of HTTP requests and speeding up page loading.
  • Generate Critical CSS – Above-the-fold critical CSS is the CSS required to render the visible part of a webpage. Page Speed Boost optimizes the delivery of critical CSS for faster rendering.
  • CSS Minification – CSS minification removes unnecessary characters and whitespace from CSS files, reducing their size and improving load times.
  • CSS Compression – CSS compression further reduces the size of CSS files using compression algorithms like GZip or Brotli.


  • Advanced Resource Loader – The resource loader rearranges the way resources are fed to the main thread. This is done to take advantage of modern CPU’s multi-core nature by offloading tasks away from the main thread.
  • Deferred Loading – Deferred loading delays the loading of non-critical JavaScript files, allowing the main content to load first for a faster initial page rendering.
  • JS Compression – JS minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters and whitespace from JavaScript code without altering its functionality. This results in a smaller file size, which can significantly improve the load time of web pages.
  • JS Minification – JS compression is a technique that further reduces the size of JavaScript files by applying data compression algorithms, such as GZip or Brotli, to the code. Unlike minification, which focuses on removing unnecessary characters, compression reduces the file size by encoding the code in a more compact format

After purchasing and enabling on the environment of choice via the User Portal, the WP Engine Page Speed Boost WordPress plugin will be installed automatically.



After purchasing a license, we highly recommend enabling and testing in a Staging or Development environment first. This will be used to test compatibility rather than performance scores.

To enable Page Speed Boost on an environment: 

  1. From the User Portal, choose Add-ons in the main menu
  2. Click Manage in the Page Speed Boost box
  1. Click Select environments
Select environments
  1. (Optional) It’s recommended to test Page Speed Boost on a Staging or Development environment before applying it to Production. Click No license required to view Staging and Development environments. Note that the performance benefits on Stg/Dev will not be as great, and testing here should simply be done for overall compatibility with the Production environment. Page Speed Boost must be purchased for the account before the No license required option will be available.
  1. Check the box(es) of the environment(s) to enable Page Speed Boost on
  1. Click Preview Site next to an environment name to preview how the site will display when Page Speed Boost is enabled.
  1. If there are no issues on the preview, continue to the next step. If there are issues on the site preview:
    • Expand I see a problem
    • Click Try Configuration X out of 4. This will make some changes that might work better for the site.
    • Click Preview Site again. (If the site preview is still open, refresh the page to see the changes.)
    • This process can be repeated through the available configurations until the site displays properly. Once satisfied, proceed to the next step.
  1. Click Enable Selected

The plugin will be automatically installed on the selected environment(s) and no further configuration is required. Performance improvements may take some time before becoming visible.

Page Speed Boost Statuses

Being enabled – Page Speed Boost is currently being provisioned for this site. This environment counts toward the account license limit.

Failed to enable – Page Speed Boost failed to be installed on the environment. This environment is not counted towards the account license limit.

Being disabled – Page Speed Boost is currently being removed from this environment. This is typically faster than enabling. This environment counts toward the account license limit.

Failed to disable – Page Speed Boost is not currently installed on the environment. This environment does not count toward the account license limit.

Missing or inactive – Page Speed Boost is active but Smart Plugin Manager has not yet detected the plugin. Click Refresh to update plugin information.

Syncing plugin data – Page Speed Boost shows this message during the enabling process and is related to the missing or inactive section above. After the PSB installation, we schedule the SPM sync to update information about the plugins status. This will take some time before the sync finishes.

Page Speed Boost Cache

Page Speed Boost compresses and optimizes files, then stores those in an independent cache. Purging this cache can help with visual discrepancies and displaying recent updates.

To purge Page Speed Boost cache from the wp-admin dashboard:

  1. Locate Page Speed Boost in the top menu bar of the wp-admin
  2. Select Purge Entire Cache
  3. Click the Purge Cache button

Page Speed Boost cache can also be cleared from the User Portal:

  1. From the User Portal, choose Add-ons in the main menu
  2. Click Manage in the Page Speed Boost box
  3. Next to the environment, click the 3 dot menu icon
  4. Select Clear caches


Page Speed Boost cache is included when using the Clear all caches buttons on the Cache page. Learn more here.


If issues are caused by Page Speed Boost, it is recommended to first check for conflicting features and plugins as well as service limitations.

Try Another Configuration

If there are issues when enabling Page Speed Boost, several configurations are available to make changes that may work better for the site.

  1. Open the Page Speed Boost page in the User Portal
  2. Locate the environment and click the 3 dot menu icon
  3. Click Troubleshoot environment
  4. Expand I see a problem
  5. Click Try Configuration X out of 4. This will make some changes that might work better for the site.
  6. Click Preview Site again. (If the site preview is still open, refresh the page to see the changes.)

This process can be repeated through the available configurations until the site displays properly. Once satisfied, be sure to save the changes.

Bypass Page Speed Boost

If you are unsure that Page Speed Boost is causing issues on the site, comparing the optimized page with its non-optimized version can help pinpoint optimization-related issues. 

  • Bypass Page Speed Boost’s cache by appending the ?nonitro parameter to a given URL (example:
  • If the issue persists, this means it’s not related to Page Speed Boost.

If needed, quickly release the Page Speed Boost license in the User Portal by clicking the (…) dot icon on the right and selecting Release license.

Release the Page Speed Boost license

Confirm Page Speed Boost

If you are unsure if Page Speed Boost is affecting an asset, this can be confirmed by the existence of the x-nitro-cache:HIT header.

Visit the page you have Page Speed Boost enabled on and right-click, then click Inspect. You should then find the x-nitro-cache Response Header. It should have a value of HIT, indicating that PSB cache was present and served.


Conflicts between Page Speed Boost and other caching or optimization plugins may occur. As a result, visual issues or other issues may occur on the website.

In general, Page Speed Boost can’t be used with other caching plugins that have any of the following features enabled:

  • Page caching
  • Image lazy loading
  • CSS optimization
  • JavaScript optimization

The overlapping functionalities can cause our optimization mechanism not to work at all.

Therefore, we don’t recommend using Page Speed Boost simultaneously with another optimization plugin like (but not limited to):

  • Autoptimize
  • a3 Lazy Load
  • Asset Cleaner Pro
  • Breeze
  • Comet Cache by WP Sharks
  • Fast Velocity Minify
  • Hummingbird
  • JCH Optimize
  • Jetpack Boost
  • Litespeed Cache
  • PageSpeed Ninja
  • Perfmatters
  • PhastPress
  • Powerpack (WPTouchPro)
  • SG Optimizer
  • Smush (only their lazy load option must be disabled, not the entire plugin)
  • Swift Performance
  • W3 Total Cache
  • WPML
  • WP Fastest Cache
  • WP Fastest Cache Premium
  • WP Rocket
  • WP Super Cache
  • WP-Optimize (only their page caching must be disabled, not the entire plugin) 

Incompatible non-optimization plugins:

  • WP-Cron Control – must be deactivated
  • Buddypress – not compatible with Page Speed Boost


Page Speed Boost provides this warning when an incompatible plugin is detected: “Incompatible plugins installed on this environment”.


The Page Speed Boost “Incompatible plugin” warning can be ignored for the following plugin, but please do the following:

  • OptiMole – disable Lazy loader


Currently there are some caveats when using Page Speed Boost. As we continue to modify and improve the plugin, these may change in the future.

  • Logged in admin users
    • Page Speed Boost (PSB) will not optimize the site for users logged in to WP-Admin. This can be tested by checking the following headers: X-Nitro-Disabled and X-Nitro-Disabled-Reason as they will show X-Nitro-Disabled: MISS and X-Nitro-Disabled-Reason: request type not allowed. Page Speed Boost was not designed to improve or change the performance of the native WP admin options. Users logged in to the WP-Admin are uncached, and the X-Nitro-Disabled-Reason: logged in header confirms PSB is off during these tests.
  • Multisite
    • Page Speed Boost is not currently available for multisite configurations.
  • Password Protection
    • Sites utilizing password protection cannot be fully optimized by Page Speed Boost.
    • If the website’s password protection software supports whitelisting, Nitropack IPs should be allowed to ensure full optimization can occur. Learn more here.
  • Atlas
    • Page Speed Boost is not currently available for Atlas plans.
  • Environments
    • Page Speed Boost is intended to be used on Production environments. Staging and Development environments won’t see the full performance improvements because those environments are primarily used for testing and not live traffic.
  • NitroPack
    • Page Speed Boost is not currently available for NitroPack customers.
  • Custom Configurations
    • Page Speed Boost (PSB) doesn’t allow any custom configurations or any exclusions. This includes items that are cached, CSS, JS, HTML, and paths.
    • However, PSB will respect the attribute nitro-exclude when added to a <script> tag.
  • Reverse Proxy
    • Due to the way reverse proxy configurations obfuscate traffic, Page Speed Boost will not function.

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